Endodontics – BestRead https://bestread.co Master Your Dental Craft Wed, 31 Jan 2024 15:22:56 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=6.7.2 Advanced CBCT for Endodontics: Technical Considerations, Perception, and Decision-Making 1st Edition https://bestread.co/course/advanced-cbct-for-endodontics-technical-considerations-perception-and-decision-making-1st-edition/ Tue, 15 Aug 2023 16:06:43 +0000 https://toothmastery.com/course/advanced-cbct-for-endodontics-technical-considerations-perception-and-decision-making-1st-edition/ This book encourages endodontists to develop a sound technical and theoretical understanding of CBCT. The authors compare the capabilities of modern CBCT imaging with traditional radiography and also present vital information about image interpretation and perception to increase competence and confidence in CBCT interpretation and minimize overdiagnosis and subsequent overtreatment.

352 pp; 688 illus


  1. Introduction
  2. Technical Considerations with Cone Beam Imaging
  3. Perception and Cognition
  4. Decision-Making in Radiology
  5. Implementing CBCT in Endodontic Practice
  6. Bibliography
Management of Endodontic Complications: From Diagnosis to Prognosis (August 1, 2023) https://bestread.co/course/management-of-endodontic-complications-from-diagnosis-to-prognosis-august-1-2023/ Sat, 29 Jul 2023 17:47:01 +0000 https://toothmastery.com/course/management-of-endodontic-complications-from-diagnosis-to-prognosis-august-1-2023/ Endodontic treatment generally has high success and survival rates, but like any discipline, complications can occur at any time—during diagnosis and treatment planning, access preparation, cleaning and shaping, obturation and restoration, as well as nonsurgical or surgical treatment.

Ideally, the best way to manage potential errors is to have strategies in place to prevent them and eliminate risks, but equally importantly, clinicians must be able to diagnose and manage errors when they do occur.

Based on decades of experience performing root canal treatment, these endodontic leaders explain their systematic approach for gathering pertinent medical and dental information, performing necessary tests, and analyzing the information to make informed decisions.

This book guides readers through common errors and risk factors, recommendations for preventing mishaps, and methods to manage these challenges so clinicians can ultimately achieve results that provide long-term comfort, function, and esthetics for the patient. From diagnosis to prognosis, this book has you covered at any stage of endodontic treatment.

Problem Solving in Endodontics: Prevention, Identification and Management 5th Edition https://bestread.co/course/problem-solving-in-endodontics-prevention-identification-and-management-5th-edition/ Sun, 09 Jul 2023 17:57:14 +0000 https://toothmastery.com/course/problem-solving-in-endodontics-prevention-identification-and-management-5th-edition/ Problem Solving in Endodontics, 5th Edition, by James L. Gutmann and Paul Lovdahl, offers updated techniques and an evidence-based approach to the most common procedures performed at chairside. Ideal for both endodontists and general dentists, this thoroughly revised reference combines the precision of quality endodontic care with achievable and pain-free outcomes for the patient.

Each chapter has been carefully designed so that you’ll quickly grasp the anatomy, the instruments needed, and what procedures should be performed — all supplemented by boxed clinical case examples and tips. Going beyond problem solving, it also addresses the major issues in diagnostic, anatomic, restorative, periodontic, traumatic, and surgical aspects of tooth retention.

  • Provides chairside guidance for the endodontic procedures most commonly performed by endodontists and general dentists.
  • Entire text has expanded concepts that are verified in new drawings and clinically relevant cases.
  • Integrates new technologies and materials into every chapter that when applied result in predictable and optimal outcomes.
  • Establishes clear parameters for the retention of teeth.
  • Correlates optimal patient outcomes with an evidence-based approach.
  • Reflects the practical expertise of renowned endodontics authority and past President of the AAE, Dr. James Gutmann, and endodontics specialist, Dr. Paul Lovdahl.
  • Every chapter has been completely rewritten, and concepts have been integrated for quick recognition, understanding and application to common, everyday challenges.
  • The Surgery section has been expanded with new case studies, and more in-depth coverage of indications and applications for surgeries, such as crown-lengthening technique,
  • periradicular surgery to manage perforations and resorptive defects, and other endodontically-related problems.
  • The approach of this text is to teach the clinician how to recognize and analyze the problems encountered and to synthesize the data for realistic and successful outcomes.
  • To help you make the best clinical decisions, this edition contains new chapters and new sections on diagnosis and treatment planning that presents crucial information on
  • Radiographic Images, Differential Diagnosis of Bony Defects, Diagnosis of Treatment Failure, and Diagnosis of Non-odontogenic Pain.
  • Retains a succinct, user-friendly format with a new design that includes hundreds of NEW high-quality clinical photos and art.
  • Offers broader coverage of tooth trauma with established treatment planning outcomes.
  • ALL references are updated and annotated in the text.
  • Provides a practical, problem-solving approach with new chapters on: radiographic technique and interpretation; impact of pulp disease on the periodontium and vice versa; treatment failure and tooth retention; how to differentiate problems of pulp/periodontium from those that are non-odontogenic in nature; vital pulp therapy; and more.
Endodontic Microsurgery Illustrated Edition https://bestread.co/course/endodontic-microsurgery-illustrated-edition/ Tue, 04 Jul 2023 11:31:44 +0000 https://toothmastery.com/course/endodontic-microsurgery-illustrated-edition/ Although conventional endodontics accounts for the majority of typical endontic practice, the rise of the operating microscope (OM) has brought elements to endontic surgery that were previously lacking–magnification, illumination, and visualization–and, along with new biomaterials, an increased range of solutions where the clinician can predictably preserve the tooth.

Based in Leòn, Spain, Merino has some 15 years of experience in endodontic microsurgery and has lectured extensively in his country and internationally on the topic.

His text provides both the general dentist and the specialist with in-depth, step-by-step information on the latest technology, strategies, biomaterials and instruments for microsurgical endodontic and immediate transplantology.

All procedures are well described, with clear graphics and high-quality clinical illustrations. Oversize: 8.5×11.25″. Annotation ©2009 Book News, Inc., Portland, OR

Endodontics Review: A Study Guide (Perfect for Board Review) 1st Edition https://bestread.co/course/endodontics-review-a-study-guide-perfect-for-board-review-1st-edition/ Tue, 04 Jul 2023 11:31:44 +0000 https://toothmastery.com/course/endodontics-review-a-study-guide-perfect-for-board-review-1st-edition/ This comprehensive study guide provides an essential framework for reviewing the core material covered by the American Board of Endodontics (ABE) examinations and understanding how best to prepare for them.

With a focus toward clinical applications, the key topics of endodontics are covered in full, and the complex subjects of trauma and resorption are addressed in separate chapters with diagnosis and treatment protocols particular to these entities.

To underscore the format of the ABE Oral Examination, the authors have divided each chapter into the sections used in the examination-basic sciences, medicine, diagnosis, treatment protocols, prognosis, and complications. In addition, this book provides a comprehensive review of the scientific literature. Frequent references to peer-reviewed journal articles and endodontics textbooks also guide readers for further study and focus.

Endodontics Review, Study Guide 2nd Edition https://bestread.co/course/endodontics-review-study-guide-2nd-edition-2nd-edition/ Tue, 04 Jul 2023 11:31:44 +0000 https://toothmastery.com/course/endodontics-review-study-guide-2nd-edition-2nd-edition/ The field of endodontics has seen significant developments since the first edition of this book was published in 2016. Evidence-based standards evolve as the literature changes, and practitioners must adapt their clinical practice accordingly.

The second edition of this study guide—known in some circles as “The Orange Book”—has been updated based on new peer-reviewed journal articles, position statements, and guidelines, and revisions are reflected in the current treatment protocols for pulpal and periapical diseases as well as traumatic dental injuries, cracked and fractured teeth, and resorptive dental injuries. Each chapter concludes with an extensive bibliography of the scientific literature for further reference.

Whether this book is supplementing your predoctoral or postdoctoral endodontics curriculum or guiding your self-study in general dental or specialty practice, know you will be on the forefront of the field.

Endodontics: Principles and Practice 6th Edition https://bestread.co/course/endodontics-principles-and-practice-6th-edition/ Tue, 04 Jul 2023 11:31:42 +0000 https://toothmastery.com/course/endodontics-principles-and-practice-6th-edition/

From renowned endodontics experts Mahmoud Torabinejad, Ashraf Fouad, and Shahrokh Shabahang comes Endodontics: Principles and Practice, 6th Edition.

This focused and extensively revised new edition contains all the clinically-relevant information needed to incorporate endodontics into general dentistry practice. Illustrated step-by-step guidelines and vivid online videos address the ins and outs of diagnosis, treatment planning, managing pulpal and periapical diseases, and performing basic root canal treatments. Updated evidence-based coverage also includes topics such as the etiology of disease, local anesthesia, emergency treatment, obturation, and temporization. It’s the perfect endodontics guide for both entry-level dental students and general dentists alike.

  • Well-known, international contributors share guidelines, expertise, and their clinical experience with contemporary technologies and procedures.
  • Authoritative, visually detailed coverage provides a practical understanding of basic endodontic principles and procedures, including pulpal and periapical diseases and their management.
  • Clinically-relevant organization reflects the order in which procedures are performed in clinical settings, enhancing your understanding of the etiology and treatment of teeth with pulpal and periapical diseases.
  • Over 1,000 full-color illustrations ensure a clear, accurate understanding of procedures, and include radiographs and clinical photographs.
  • Learning objectives help you meet the theoretical and procedural expectations for each chapter.
  • More than 67 video clips located on the companion website demonstrate essential procedures.
  • NEW! Sharper focus on the most clinically relevant content eliminates much of the basic science that you have already studied and focuses on the information and skills that are most-needed during clinical practice.
  • NEW! Fully updated, evidence-based content integrates the best clinical evidence with the practitioner’s clinical expertise and the patient’s treatment needs and preferences.
  • NEW! Expert Consult access is included via a unique pin-code to make the text relevant for both practitioners and students alike.
  • NEW! Mid-chapter questions check your understanding of the concept before moving onto the next topic.
Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery 1st Edition https://bestread.co/course/oral-and-maxillofacial-surgery-1st-edition/ Tue, 04 Jul 2023 11:31:42 +0000 https://toothmastery.com/course/oral-and-maxillofacial-surgery-1st-edition/

Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery

Edited by Lars Andersson, Karl-Erik Kahnberg and M. Anthony Pogrel

Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery is a comprehensive reference for all trainees and specialists in oral and maxillofacial surgery, oral surgery, and surgical dentistry. This landmark new resource draws together current research, practice and developments in the field, as expressed by world authorities. The book’s aim is to cover the full scope of oral and maxillofacial surgery, incorporating recent technical and biological developments within the specialty. It provides a uniquely international and contemporary approach, reflecting the exciting developments of technique and instrumentation within this surgical field, built on technical innovation and medical and dental research. Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery coalesces impressively broad and deep coverage of this surgical specialty into a cohesive and readable resource, identifying commonalities and shedding light on controversies through reasoned discussion and balanced presentation of the evidence.


The Editors are joined by over 50 international experts, offering a truly global perspective on the full spectrum of issues in oral and maxillofacial surgery. The book’s coverage extends from basic principles such as patient evaluation, dental anesthesia, wound healing, infection control, and surgical instruments, to coverage of the complex areas of dentoalveolar surgery, oral pathologic lesions, trauma, implant surgery, dentofacial deformities, temporomandibular joint disorders, and salivary gland disorders. Where relevant, the book provides separate coverage of topics where practice differs significantly from region to region, such as general anesthesia.

  • Comprehensive reference covering full scope of oral and maxillofacial surgery
  • Covers state-of-art clinical practice, and the basic principles that underpin it
  • Promotes an intellectually and internationally inclusive approach to oral and maxillofacial surgery
  • Nearly 100 expert contributors brought together under the aegis of a renowned international editorial team
  • Richly illustrated with medical artwork and clinical images