Implantology – BestRead Master Your Dental Craft Wed, 31 Jan 2024 15:23:27 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Oral Implantology Review: A Study Guide Tue, 05 Sep 2023 09:13:38 +0000 This comprehensive exam study guide provides more than 700 practice questions on oral implantology.

Topics include medical problems, biomedical sciences, radiology and computer-assisted technology, anatomy, biomechanics, patient data, treatment planning, principles of implantology, bone and soft tissue grafting, implant prosthodontics and occlusion, esthetics, maintenance, pharmacology, and complications.

Because a true oral implantologist is involved in both the surgical and prosthetic phases of dental implant treatment, both aspects are covered extensively in this book.


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Implant Therapy: Clinical Approaches and Evidence of Success, Second Edition 2nd Edition Thu, 31 Aug 2023 12:47:16 +0000 Since the publication of the first edition of this book 20 years ago, the landscape of implant dentistry has changed dramatically.

Both the industry and patient demand have expanded exponentially, leaving the clinician with many decisions to make (and often as many questions to ask) regarding patient selection, surgical timing and techniques, implant types, and restorative approaches.

This volume brings together the knowledge of the foremost leaders in implant dentistry, covering all aspects of the treatment process, from decision-making and treatment planning through imaging, surgical techniques, bone and soft tissue augmentation, multidisciplinary approaches, loading protocols, and finally strategies for preventing and treating complications and peri-implantitis as well as providing effective implant maintenance therapy.

Filled with expert knowledge based on decades of research and clinical experience as well as abundant illustrations and clinical case presentations, this book is an indispensable resource for clinicians seeking to provide implant treatment at the highest standard of care.

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Bone Augmentation in Implant Dentistry: A Step-by-Step Guide to Predictable Alveolar Ridge and Sinus Grafting 1st Edition Wed, 30 Aug 2023 13:53:06 +0000 Implant dentistry has evolved tremendously over the past three decades and is rapidly progressing as new materials and protocols become available each year.

With the number of advancements made in digitally based media and marketing, it is imperative that the clinician be able to separate new trends from evidence-based protocols to make sound and predictable choices for the ultimate benefit of patients.

This textbook presents cases from the author s 35-year practice to show the successes and failures of various treatment approaches and protocols.

Early chapters discuss the relevant biomaterials and instruments utilized for bone augmentation protocols, including barrier membranes, bone grafting materials, and growth factors. Surgical chapters dedicated to extraction socket management, alveolar ridge augmentation, and sinus grafting follow, each chapter detailing specific indications and patient selection criteria as well as step-by-step surgical procedures, aspects of postoperative treatment, and complications.

The final chapter focuses on full-arch reconstruction using fully guided immediate reconstruction protocols. The author’s teaching institute is credited with preparing some of the world s best clinicians, and this book will pave the way for countless more.

Approximately 1,800 illustrations


  • Instrumentation for Alveolar Ridge Augmentation and Sinus Grafting
  • Membranes, Grafting Materials, and Growth Factors
  • Extraction Site Management
  • Alveolar Ridge Augmentation
  • Sinus Grafting
  • Full-Arch Reconstruction

Book preview

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Surgical and Radiologic Anatomy of Oral Implantology 1st edition Wed, 23 Aug 2023 10:55:42 +0000 Anatomical textbooks and atlases often fail to meet the clinical demands of defining intraoperative structures for oral implantologists because of the overwhelmingly detailed minutia.

Because certain anatomical landmarks are hard to illustrate in a diagram format, students and professionals can be confused when confronted with actual specimens in the dissecting room or in the operatory.

This book, however, shows the structures of the maxilla, the mandible, and the nasal cavity as they actually exist in the dissected or live body, through the presentation of cadaver specimens and clinical cases.

Several of the chapters include full-page images of specific cadaver sections with all the relevant anatomical parts labeled for convenience.

Cone beam computed tomography images are also presented to show how this technology can be used to measure the bone density, the width of the alveolar ridge, and the exact distance available for implant placement under or above certain anatomical landmarks prior to implant selection.

This book will simplify the learning and execution of implant-related surgical procedures in a region of the body that presents special topographic and anatomical difficulties.

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Decision Making in Dental Implantology: Atlas of Surgical and Restorative Approaches 1st Edition Wed, 23 Aug 2023 10:50:16 +0000 Decision Making in Dental Implantology: Atlas of Surgical and Restorative Approaches offers an image-based resource to both the surgical and restorative aspects of implant therapy, presenting more than 2,000 color images with an innovative case-by-case approach.

  • Takes a highly pictorial approach to all aspects of implant dentistry
  • Discusses both the surgical and restorative aspects of implant therapy in a single resource
  • Describes a wide range of clinical scenarios likely to be encountered in daily practice
  • Covers anterior, posterior, and full-mouth restorations
  • Presents more than 2,000 color images showing the basic concepts and clinical cases

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Implant Prosthodontics: A Patient-Oriented Strategy 1st Edition Wed, 16 Aug 2023 17:53:09 +0000 Written by a team of renowned authors, this book provides a comprehensive and systematic discussion of implant-supported prosthetic rehabilitation the ultimate goal of almost all dental implant surgeries.

The authors focus on the essential principles of problem-centered design of the prosthesis. With more than 2,000 illustrations and a full complement of treatment algorithms for various clinical situations, it offers coherent, evidence-based strategies for prosthetically driven implant surgery and custom esthetic restorative techniques in a step-by-step manner, from initial planning through prosthetic delivery and follow-up.

In addition, because high-quality implant dentistry and implant prosthodontics are possible only with a treatment team that works well together, key aspects of interactions between the implant surgeon and the prosthodontist, the prosthodontist and the dental technician, and the patient and the treatment team are discussed in detail.

This book is a must for all clinicians involved in implant restoration and is destined to become a standard reference work.

Book Preview

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The Implant Ninja All-on-X Handbook: A Step by Step Clinical Guide 2nd Edition Tue, 15 Aug 2023 14:51:59 +0000 The Implant Ninja All-on-X Handbook is a comprehensive, no-nonsense, overview of the All-on-X procedure from start to finish. It contains 400+ pages full of useful graphics, tips, and tricks!


  • Step by step instructions on treatment planning
  • How many implants should you use
  • Digital workflow for planning and surgery
  • How to make restorations build to last
    How to make hygiene friendly prosthetics


  • New time-saving restorative workflow
  • New zygomatic implant walkthrough
  • Updated complications management
  • How to calculate restorative space
  • Trefoil All on 3
  • Revised mechanics chapter with John Brunski
  • Added pictures, illustrations, and diagrams

Book Preview (31 Pages out of 425)

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Zygoma Implants: Step by Step 1st Edition Thu, 10 Aug 2023 16:07:21 +0000 With success rates ranging from 95% to over 98%, zygoma implants are the standard of care in the treatment of patients with severe maxillary bone atrophy who cannot be rehabilitated with surgical bone augmentation and/or the placement of conventional or tilted implants. Because patients who qualify as candidates for zygoma implant therapy usually get only one chance to regain their masticatory function, the stakes for this treatment are very high, and that is why Dr Arun K. Garg undertook this project.

Written by distinguished authors with decades of clinical knowledge, the book equips the experienced implant surgeon with comprehensive knowledge of every facet of the surgical and prosthetic treatment protocols for zygoma implant therapy, from patient evaluation and selection to step-by-step procedures and the management of complications, building the reader’s knowledge from start to finish.

Learn the ins and outs of zygoma implant therapy so you too can deliver this life-changing therapy to your patients.

Partial Extraction Therapy in Implant Dentistry 1st ed Thu, 10 Aug 2023 15:48:26 +0000 This book covers all clinical aspects of partial extraction therapy (PET), a revolutionary technique that offers long-term stability of soft and hard tissue around implants.

Readers will find step-by-step protocols, valuable insights, and helpful tips, backed by the best available scientific evidence. After explanation of the biological rationale for PET, the socket shield technique, which entails partial extraction of the tooth root prior to implant placement, is clearly described and illustrated.

Guidance is then provided on case selection, contraindications, and fabrication and design of the provisional restoration.

Variations in the PET procedure are explained, and techniques presented for the management of multirooted teeth, pontic sites, and full mouth rehabilitation. Advice is also offered on how to deal with complications and treatment failures. Finally, the current evidence for PET and the scope for extending its use are reviewed. PET has gained immense popularity in recent years, and this book will be of value for clinicians, students, and academicians.

Techniques for Success With Implants in the Esthetic Zone 1st Edition Mon, 07 Aug 2023 11:26:39 +0000 Implant restoration in the anterior region represents a particular challenge for dentists because even the most functional implant cannot be considered a success if the patient is still unhappy with their smile.

Attention must be given to ensuring a high survival rate and a low complication rate, without sacrificing esthetics.

In this book, the authors pass on their experience based on well-documented clinical cases and discuss all relevant aspects from the biologic basics and planning to surgery to prosthetic restoration in this challenging area.

Modern microsurgical procedures for the augmentation of hard and soft tissue and plastic periodontal surgery are a special focus. Through numerous clinical photographs and schematic drawings, each procedure, whether simple or complex, is reproduced in comprehensive detail.
