Periodontics – BestRead Master Your Dental Craft Wed, 31 Jan 2024 15:23:31 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Foundations of Periodontics for the Dental Hygienist, Enhanced 5th Edition Tue, 12 Sep 2023 16:15:03 +0000 Comprehensive and easy-to-understand, Foundations of Periodontics for the Dental Hygienist, Enhanced 5th Edition equips dental hygiene students with up-to-date, evidence-based coverage of periodontal anatomy, the periodontal disease process, and classifications of periodontal disease.

Rather than presenting information in narrative style, the author―a leading expert in the field―uses a detailed outline format, making the information easier to read, understand, and reference.

Rich with engaging learning features and student resources, the Enhanced 5th Edition has been revised and updated throughout to reflect the hygienist’s increasingly important role in periodontal therapy and to help students confidently apply what they’ve learned to clinical patient care situations.

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Vertical and Horizontal Ridge Augmentation: New Perspectives 1st Edition Thu, 17 Aug 2023 15:56:29 +0000 This book expertly describes the key features of vertical and horizontal ridge augmentation, such as the surgical anatomy of the floor of the mouth, papilla reconstruction, the modified lingual flap and the preservation of the mental nerve during flap advancement, growth factor applications used in conjunction with perforated membranes, managing complications of membrane exposure and graft infections, and a step-by-step description of complete reconstruction of the severely resorbed maxillary ridge using GBR with simultaneous sinus augmentation. Almost all cases described include a retrospective section with suggestions on what could have been done differently to achieve even better results, making this book a frank, ambitious, and immensely informative text on the clinical practice of ridge augmentation with GBR.

1,229 illustrations


  1. Introduction
  2. Surgical Setup and Patient Preparation
  3. Membranes and Graft Materials
  4. The Intraoral Harvesting of Autogenous Bone
  5. The Surgical Anatomy of the Floor of the Mouth
  6. Principles of Vertical and Horizontal Ridge Augmentation in the Posterior Mandible
  7. Vertical Ridge Augmentation
  8. Vertical Ridge Augmentation in the Posterior Mandible
  9. Interior Mandibular Ridge Augmentation
  10. Combined Posterior Maxillary and Ridge Augmentation for Partially Edentulous Patients
  11. Horizontal Ridge Augmentation: The Sausage Technique
  12. Ridge Augmentation in the Anterior Maxilla
  13. Papilla Reconstruction in Conjunction with Vertical Augmentation in Single Tooth Defects
  14. Surgical Management of Significant Anterior Maxillary Vertical Ridge Defects: The Classification of Anterior Maxillary Vertical Defects
  15. Lateralization of the Nasopalatine Nerve: The Palatal Flap
  16. Mucogingival Surgery After Bone Augmentation
  17. New Perspectives in Mucogingival Surgery After Ridge Augmentation
  18. New Perspectives in Crestal Bone Preservation After Ridge Augmentation
  19. The Development and Maintenance of a Positive Gingival Architecture Using Single Implants in Multiple Missing Teeth
  20. Reconstruction of the Edentulous Resorbed Maxilla
  21. Complications of Bone Ridge Augmentation
  22. The Use of Growth Factors
Integrated Esthetics in Periodontics and Implantology 1st Edition Thu, 27 Jul 2023 14:11:48 +0000 The authors of this book have set out to produce a clear, impartial, and rational text that addresses new concepts and techniques in the daily practice of periodontics and implant dentistry. With a periodontist driven and multidisciplinary approach, the presented modalities promote a synergistic integration of esthetic principals with functional outcomes to achieve long-term predictable results. Treatments (and their limitations) are presented in detail, including many controversial techniques and clinical issues not previously described in the literature. Taken as a whole, this book provides a comprehensive approach to implant therapeutics that allows readers to determine for themselves how to best develop sound clinical treatments to withstand paradigm shifts in clinic-oriented science.

3,063 illustrations.


  1. Esthetic and functional planning: clinical and digital resources
  2. Gingival contour in the esthetic zone: treatment for short clinical crowns
  3. Root coverage in esthetic regions: treatment of long clinical crown
  4. Treatment planning in implant dentistry: the search for predictable result
  5. Socket preservation: how to maintain tissue architecture
  6. Implant placement in fresh sockets: how to get an ideal position
  7. Immediate provisional on teeth or implants: determining chronology and restoration contouring
  8. Immediate rehabilitation of intact and compromised sockets: a predictable protocol
  9. Treatment of esthetic complications around implants: the decision between keeping or removing an implant
  10. Long-term follow-up of implants: what should be expected
  11. Avoiding esthetic and functional defects on implants: how to condition the transition zone

Contributors: Susana d’Avila • Matheus C. Bandéca • Luis M. Calderero • Gabriela C. de Castro • Hindra Colodetti • Deise Lima Cunha • Ulisses Dayube • Eduardo Fernandez • Rubens M. de Freitas • Luiz Guilherme Freitas de Paula • Ronald E. Jung • Camila Lorenzetti • Guilherme J. P. Lopes de Oliveira • Ana Carolina M. Marcantonio • Camila C. Marcantonio • Marco Masioli • Rodrigo Nahas • Judith M. P. Ottoni • Cristiano H. Pascoal • Adriano Piattelli • Giuseppe A. Romito • Vítor M. Sapata • Daniel S. Thoma • Mateus R. Tonetto • Bianca Vimercati.

Problem Solving in Endodontics: Prevention, Identification and Management 5th Edition Sun, 09 Jul 2023 17:57:14 +0000 Problem Solving in Endodontics, 5th Edition, by James L. Gutmann and Paul Lovdahl, offers updated techniques and an evidence-based approach to the most common procedures performed at chairside. Ideal for both endodontists and general dentists, this thoroughly revised reference combines the precision of quality endodontic care with achievable and pain-free outcomes for the patient.

Each chapter has been carefully designed so that you’ll quickly grasp the anatomy, the instruments needed, and what procedures should be performed — all supplemented by boxed clinical case examples and tips. Going beyond problem solving, it also addresses the major issues in diagnostic, anatomic, restorative, periodontic, traumatic, and surgical aspects of tooth retention.

  • Provides chairside guidance for the endodontic procedures most commonly performed by endodontists and general dentists.
  • Entire text has expanded concepts that are verified in new drawings and clinically relevant cases.
  • Integrates new technologies and materials into every chapter that when applied result in predictable and optimal outcomes.
  • Establishes clear parameters for the retention of teeth.
  • Correlates optimal patient outcomes with an evidence-based approach.
  • Reflects the practical expertise of renowned endodontics authority and past President of the AAE, Dr. James Gutmann, and endodontics specialist, Dr. Paul Lovdahl.
  • Every chapter has been completely rewritten, and concepts have been integrated for quick recognition, understanding and application to common, everyday challenges.
  • The Surgery section has been expanded with new case studies, and more in-depth coverage of indications and applications for surgeries, such as crown-lengthening technique,
  • periradicular surgery to manage perforations and resorptive defects, and other endodontically-related problems.
  • The approach of this text is to teach the clinician how to recognize and analyze the problems encountered and to synthesize the data for realistic and successful outcomes.
  • To help you make the best clinical decisions, this edition contains new chapters and new sections on diagnosis and treatment planning that presents crucial information on
  • Radiographic Images, Differential Diagnosis of Bony Defects, Diagnosis of Treatment Failure, and Diagnosis of Non-odontogenic Pain.
  • Retains a succinct, user-friendly format with a new design that includes hundreds of NEW high-quality clinical photos and art.
  • Offers broader coverage of tooth trauma with established treatment planning outcomes.
  • ALL references are updated and annotated in the text.
  • Provides a practical, problem-solving approach with new chapters on: radiographic technique and interpretation; impact of pulp disease on the periodontium and vice versa; treatment failure and tooth retention; how to differentiate problems of pulp/periodontium from those that are non-odontogenic in nature; vital pulp therapy; and more.
Lindhe’s Clinical Periodontology and Implant Dentistry 7th Edition (2 Volume Set) Thu, 15 Jun 2023 08:14:13 +0000

Discover the latest edition of the cornerstone reference on periodontology and implant dentistry that combines scholarship and science with practical clinical instruction

The Seventh Edition of Lindhe’s Clinical Periodontology and Implant Dentistry brings together a distinguished team of periodontal specialists and academics who deliver another must-have resource for students, researchers, and practitioners specializing in periodontal care and implant dentistry.

Seamlessly integrating the foundational science behind periodontology with practical clinical protocols in two comprehensive volumes, the chapters cover anatomy, microbiology, occlusion trauma, pathology, tissue regeneration, treatment planning protocols, infection control, reconstructive therapy, occlusal and prosthetic therapy, and more.

The Seventh Edition of Lindhe’s Clinical Periodontology and Implant Dentistry:

  • Provides an introduction to anatomy, including periodontal tissues, the edentulous ridge, the mucosa at teeth and implants, and osseointegration
  • Discusses the epidemiology of periodontal and peri-implant diseases
  • Explores the microbiology, including dental biofilms and calculus, periodontal infections, peri-implant infections, the pathogenesis of gingivitis and periodontitis, and the genetic susceptibility to periodontal disease
  • Includes the latest perio- and peri-implant disease classifications
  • Contains updated evidence-based preventive and treatment modalities for the treatment of periodontal and peri-implant diseases
  • Features the latest evidence-based therapeutic alternatives on the use of dental implants to rehabilitate the lost dentition

Perfect for postgraduate dental students, researchers, and practitioners specializing in periodontal care and implant dentistry, Lindhe’s Clinical Periodontology and Implant Dentistry continues to be the cornerstone reference work on periodontology.

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Plastic-Esthetic Periodontal and Implant Surgery: A Microsurgical Approach 1st Edition (SCANNED) Thu, 15 Jun 2023 07:22:48 +0000 In this stunning book, the authors blend scientific knowledge and practical experience to provide a comprehensive overview of the principles, indications, and clinical techniques of plastic-esthetic periodontal and implant microsurgery, focusing especially on minimal soft tissue trauma and maximally perfect wound closure. Microsurgery provides clinically relevant advantages over conventional macrosurgical concepts for regenerative and plastic-esthetic periodontal surgery, especially in the all-important esthetic zone. The microsurgical principles and procedures presented in the book are explained step-by-step in meticulously illustrated case examples with large, exquisite images. Each case example also includes an illustrated armamentarium of the materials and instruments necessary for the practical implementation of the microsurgical procedure. The book concludes with instructions on how to manage all major complications for each procedure. Every periodontist will benefit from the techniques and considerations explained in this landmark text.

Contents: Section A: Principles
1. Basic Principles of Periodontal Anatomy and Structural Biology
2. Microsurgery: A New Dimension
3. Primary Healing: The Key to Success
4. Incisions, Flap Designs, and Suturing Techniques
5. Gingival Esthetics: Criteria, Guidelines, and Diagnostic Strategies
6. Patient Management

Section B: Procedures
7. Autograft Harvesting
8. Gingival Augmentation
9. Treatment of Gingival Recession
10. Esthetic Crown Lengthening
11. Papilla Reconstruction
12. Management of Extraction Sockets
13. Replacement of Missing Teeth
Section C: Complications
14. Intraoperative Bleeding
15. Flap Perforation
16. Postoperative Bleeding
17. Postoperative Infection
18. Flap and Connective Tissue Graft Necrosis
19. Failures with Autogenous Bone Blocks and Cortical Bone Plates
20. Implant Loss
21. Scars, Tattoos, and Excess Soft Tissue
22. Biologic Width Violation

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Foundations of Periodontics for the Dental Hygienist 4th Edition Thu, 15 Jun 2023 07:07:36 +0000

Comprehensive and easy-to-understand, Foundations of Periodontics for the Dental Hygienist, 4th Edition offers up-to-date, evidence-based coverage of periodontal anatomy, the periodontal disease process, and classifications of periodontal disease.

Rather than presenting information in narrative style, the author, a leading expert in the field, uses a detailed outline format, making the information easier to read, understand, and reference. The Fourth Edition has been revised and updated throughout, continues its focus on the hygienist’s role in periodontal therapy, and adds a number of new features designed to help students apply what they are learning to clinical patient care situations.

  • Five Comprehensive Patient Cases —two brand-new to this edition—include clinical photos, radiographs, and periodontal charts to help students develop practice skills as they apply and integrate content from the entire book to patient periodontal care planning.
  • An easy-to-use, easy-to-reference outline format makes it easy for readers to identify, learn, and review key concepts.
  • Hundreds of full color illustrations and clinical photographs visually reinforce chapter content.
  • Focus on Patients feature asks readers to apply chapter content in the context of clinical periodontal care.
  • New chapter-opening Clinical Patient Care features spell out the relevance of chapter content to patient care.
  • Evidence-based content is integrated throughout, ensuring the most current, reliable information.
  • New Evidence in Action features assist students in applying current evidence-based research findings to clinical patient care.
  • New Ethical Dilemmas features help students apply the difficult concept of legal/ethical issues to the patient care setting.
  • Learning Objectives and Key Terms provide a “road map” to module topics and help students master a whole new dental vocabulary.
  • A complete online audio glossary provides quick access to common periodontal terminology and pronunciation.
Next-Generation Biomaterials for Bone & Periodontal Regeneration 1st Edition Thu, 15 Jun 2023 06:44:40 +0000 New and innovative biomaterials are being discovered or created in laboratories at an unprecedented rate, but many of them remain entirely foreign to practicing clinicians.
This book addresses this gap in knowledge by summarizing some of the groundbreaking research performed to date on this topic and providing case examples of these biomaterials at work.
The book begins with a review of the biologic background and applications of bone grafting materials utilized in dentistry. The principles of guided tissue and bone regeneration are covered in detail, including many recent advancements in barrier membrane technologies as well as use of platelet-rich fibrin and various growth factors, and many next-generation materials that will optimize future bone and periodontal regeneration are presented. The final chapter is designed to help clinicians select appropriate biomaterials for each specific regenerative protocol.
Much like one implant size and shape cannot be utilized for every indication in implant dentistry, one bone grafting material, barrier membrane, or growth factor cannot maximize regenerative outcomes in all clinical situations. This textbook teaches clinicians how to utilize biomaterials in an appropriate, predictable, and evidence-based manner. 960 illustrations
1. The Regenerative Properties of Bone Grafts: A Comparison Between Autografts, Allografts, Xenografts, and Alloplasts
2. Autogenous Bone: The Gold Standard for Bone Regeneration
3. The Use of Allografts for Bone and Periodontal Regeneration
4. The Use of Xenografts in Implant Dentistry and Periodontology
5. Next-Generation Natural Bovine Bone Mineral Grafting Material with Integrated Atelocollagen Type 1
6. Synthetic Bone Substitute Materials
7. Next-Generation Osteoinductive Synthetic Calcium Phosphates: Osopia
8. The Use of Autogenous Dentin Particulate Graft for Alveolar Ridge Preservation and Augmentation Following Tooth Extraction
9. Next-Generation Osteoconductive Resorbable Bone Adhesives: Tetranite
10. 3D Printing Scaffolds for Alveolar Bone Augmentation
11. Membranes for Guided Tissue and Bone Regeneration
12. Autogenous Blood-Derived Barrier Membranes: Platelet-Rich Fibrin in Regenerative Dentistry
13. Bone Regeneration with Bone Morphogenetic Protein 2
14. Enamel Matrix Derivative: Preclinical Biologic Background
15. Enamel Matrix Derivative: Clinical Studies
16. Efficacy of Recombinant Human PDGF and FGF-2 for Regenerative Dentistry
17. Combination Approaches for Periodontal Regeneration: Biologics, Bone Grafts, and Barrier Membranes
18. Next-Generation Bone Morphogenetic Protein 9: The Future of Bone Regeneration?
19. Osteogain: The Next Generation of Enamel Matrix Derivative
20. Next-Generation Wound Healing with Hyaluronic Acid
21. Next-Generation Ion Incorporation into Bone Grafts for Bone and Periodontal Regeneration
22. Next-Generation Use of Gene Therapy for Growth Factor Delivery
23. Clinical Recommendations and Guidelines for Selecting Biomaterials for Bone and Periodontal Regeneration Abbreviations
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Newman and Carranza’s Clinical Periodontology 13th Edition Thu, 15 Jun 2023 06:41:21 +0000

From basic science and fundamental procedures to the latest advanced techniques in reconstructive, esthetic, and implant therapy, Newman and Carranza’s Clinical Periodontology, 13th Edition is the resource you can count on to help master the most current information and techniques in periodontology. Full color photos, illustrations, radiographs and videos show you how to perform periodontal procedures, while renowned experts from across the globe explain the evidence supporting each treatment and lend their knowledge on how to best manage the outcomes. Access to the Expert Consult website provides fully-searchable online chapters and unique case-based clinical scenarios that mimic the new format of credentialing exams. The Expert Consult platform also includes a wealth of resources to enhance understanding, such as: a periodontal pathology atlas, virtual microscope, animations, case reports, videos, audio slides, review questions, reference lists, and much more. It’s the perfect resource for dental students, periodontal residents, and clinicians alike!

  • UNIQUE! Expert Consult platform offers a versatile print and digital resources that help bring text information to life.
  • UNIQUE! Bonus content on Expert Consult includes multiple-choice self-assessment questions with instant feedback, chapter review PowerPoint slides, videos clips, case studies, and more.
  • UNIQUE! Periodontal Pathology Atlas contains the most comprehensive collection of cases found anywhere.
  • Full-color photos and anatomical drawings clearly demonstrate core concepts and reinforce important principles.
  • UNIQUE! Chapter opener boxes in the print book alert readers when more comprehensive coverage of topics is available in the online version of the text.
  • NEW! Chapters updated to meet the current exam requirements for the essentials in periodontal education.
  • NEW! Case-based clinical scenarios incorporated throughout the book mimic the new patient case format used in credentialing exams.
  • NEW! Additional tables, boxes, and graphics highlight need-to-know information.
  • NEW! Virtual microscope on Expert Consult offers easy access to high-resolution views of select pathology images.
  • NEW! Two new chapters cover periimplantitis and resolving inflammation.
  • NEW! Section on evidence-based practice consists of two chapters covering evidence-based decision making and critical thinking.
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Practical Techniques in Periodontics and Implant Dentistry 1st Edition Thu, 15 Jun 2023 06:38:45 +0000

Practical Techniques in Periodontics and Implant DentistryA quick reference to essential techniques in periodontics and implant dentistry designed for clinical use

In Practical Techniques in Periodontics and Implant Dentistry, distinguished periodontist Dr. Edgard El Chaar delivers a comprehensive quick reference to key information on periodontics and implant dentistry. The book takes a concise and technique-based approach to the subject, a design that allows clinicians to rapidly find and apply important information in seeing cases. It provides brief chapters with plentiful and instructive images.

This manual is precise, offers quick access to the fundamentals of each of the pertinent topics in the field, and provides practitioners the ability to refer to an authoritative and straightforward resource in their daily clinical practice. It includes radiographs, histological images, clinical photographs, and line drawings.

Readers will also find:

  • A thorough introduction to the anatomy and physiology of the periodontium, including an overview of gingival tissue, embryonic development, and soft tissue physiology
  • Comprehensive explorations of wound healing, pathology of periodontal disease, and oral medicine and pathology
  • In-depth discussions of patient examination and initial therapy, surgical anatomy and local anesthesia, and suturing techniques
  • Fulsome presentations of osseous surgery, clinical crown lengthening, and the principles of implant dentistry

Perfect for general practitioners, periodontists, and implant dentists, Practical Techniques in Periodontics and Implant Dentistry will also earn a place in the libraries of dental students with an interest in periodontics.
