Prosthodontics – BestRead Master Your Dental Craft Wed, 31 Jan 2024 15:23:11 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Contemporary Fixed Prosthodontics 6th Edition Mon, 21 Aug 2023 19:21:14 +0000 Find everything you need to become an expert in tooth preparation, prostheses, and restorations! Contemporary Fixed Prosthodontics, 6th Edition provides a solid foundation in basic science as well as step-by-step guidelines to hundreds of fixed prosthodontic procedures. Using more than 3,500 high-quality drawings and photographs, this complete reference walks you through each step of patient care, from diagnosis and planning to prosthesis fabrication and follow-up care. Separate sections on planning and preparation, clinical procedures, and laboratory procedures make it easier to look up the information you need. This edition covers the latest advances in Computer-Aided Design and Computer-Aided Manufacturing technologies and adds new content on minimally invasive prosthodontic procedures through preventive, adhesive, and implant dentistry. From internationally recognized prosthodontic educators and clinicians Stephen Rosenstiel, Martin Land, and Robert Walter, this book includes an enhanced eBook with each new print purchase, featuring a fully searchable version of the entire text.

  • Illustrated, full-color step-by-step procedures walk you through all the steps of treatment from the beginning to the final treatment result.
  • Summary charts provide a quick, at-glance review of specific procedures (such as Class II inlay preparation and ceramic crown preparation), highlighting the indications, contraindications, advantages,
  • disadvantages, preparation steps, recommended armamentarium, and criteria.
  • Prosthodontic Diagnostic Index helps you determine the appropriate treatments for completely edentulous, partially edentulous, and dentate patients, using guidelines and illustrations from the American College of Prosthodontists.
  • Text boxes accompany selected illustrations, presenting quick facts and tips relating to techniques or concepts.
  • Study questions at the end of each chapter offer an opportunity to test your knowledge and comprehension.
  • An enhanced eBook is included with each new print purchase, featuring a fully searchable version of the entire text, images, and more!
  • NEW! Updated and new content includes minimally invasive prosthodontic procedures, tooth preparation for adhesive indirect restorations, implant dentistry and ceramic restorations, clinical photography and digital smile design, risk assessment, and assessment of patients with sleep disorders.
  • NEW full-color photos and drawings enhance your understanding of each topic, and show the newest instruments and equipment.
  • NEW! Advances in technology are broken down into their underlying principles and then integrated into the text, rather than including a single chapter with step-by-step CAD/CAM procedures that might soon be out of date.

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Tooth Wear: Interceptive Treatment Approach With Minimally Invasive Protocols Mon, 21 Aug 2023 16:59:08 +0000 This publication is not a textbook but rather a comprehensive review of clinical procedures that can help the practitioner select a proper protocol and suitable materials to more selectively treat the various forms of tooth wear. This “cookbook” is based on the authors’ more than 20 years of experienced treating this pathology. The main focus is the prevention of tooth wear progression with the use of noninvasive and affordable procedures in the proper timeframe, bearing in mind that comprehending this pathology is a lifelong endeavor.

For cases where there was no opportunity to intervene early enough, you will also find “recipes” for the proper use of indirect and CAD/CAM-produced restorations.

2700 illustrations


  • Diagnosis and Prognosis of Tooth Wear
  • Treatment Strategies
  • Occlusal and Functional Factors, Vertical Dimension of Occlusion
  • Direct Techniques
  • Shell Techniques
  • Indirect Techniques
  • CAD/CAM Techniques
  • Longevity and Maintenance

Book preview

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The Art of Complete Denture Therapy for the General Practitioner Fri, 18 Aug 2023 12:15:09 +0000 In dentistry today, heavy focus is given to learning the techniques of fixed or implant-supported restorations at the expense of learning how to make removable dentures.

As a result, many talented clinicians lack the training and experience necessary to provide functional and dependable complete denture therapy to their patients, even when this could be the best treatment option for certain patients.

This book seeks to solve that problem, taking the reader step by step through the process of fabricating removable complete dentures from the very first appointment through impressions, delivery, and maintenance. Sections alternate between clinical and laboratory steps (color coded for quick reference), and technical aspects of denture making, such as master cast fabrication and baseplate and occlusal rim formation, are covered in detail for clinicians who choose to perform them in-house rather than outsourcing to a laboratory.

With sections devoted to jaw and occlusion evaluation, how to determine the appropriate occlusal scheme, and more, the book seeks to empower clinicians to improve their patients’ quality of life. Focus is also given to delivery and subsequent adjustment, followed by maintenance of existing dentures and determining when a new denture is needed.

From start to finish, this book supplies everything you need to provide functional and esthetic dentures for your patients.

Implant Prosthodontics: A Patient-Oriented Strategy 1st Edition Wed, 16 Aug 2023 17:53:09 +0000 Written by a team of renowned authors, this book provides a comprehensive and systematic discussion of implant-supported prosthetic rehabilitation the ultimate goal of almost all dental implant surgeries.

The authors focus on the essential principles of problem-centered design of the prosthesis. With more than 2,000 illustrations and a full complement of treatment algorithms for various clinical situations, it offers coherent, evidence-based strategies for prosthetically driven implant surgery and custom esthetic restorative techniques in a step-by-step manner, from initial planning through prosthetic delivery and follow-up.

In addition, because high-quality implant dentistry and implant prosthodontics are possible only with a treatment team that works well together, key aspects of interactions between the implant surgeon and the prosthodontist, the prosthodontist and the dental technician, and the patient and the treatment team are discussed in detail.

This book is a must for all clinicians involved in implant restoration and is destined to become a standard reference work.

Book Preview

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Ceramic Veneers: Contact Lenses and Fragments Tue, 15 Aug 2023 16:01:23 +0000 A comprehensive guide on ceramic veneers

This e-book aims to present a work philosophy whose foundations are on clinic protocols based and stablished over literature on ceramic veneers, leading to a better comprehension of planning and execution of a aesthetic-functional rehabilitation, promoting the excellence in outcomes and professional ethics.

It presents the current state of the art in dentistry and set the foundations to the aesthetic rehabilitation, approaching essential matters such as aesthetic principles and planning process.

Supported by a large number of clinical cases, it explains and illustrates all the steps towards a full aesthetic rehabilitation in a high quality digital publication.

Want to know more? Go ahead and see inside. Alternatively, you can check out the spanish and portuguese versions.

Table of contents

Section I. Initial

  • Chapter 1. A new age in dentistry
  • Chapter 2. Aesthetic principles
  • Chapter 3. Shade selection and reproduction in ceramic veneers
  • Chapter 4. Aesthetic rehabilitation planning

Section II. Before

  • Chapter 5.1. Orthodontics as a differential for pretreatment ceramic veneers
  • Chapter 5.2. Periodontal plastic surgery
  • Chapter 5.3. Tooth bleaching
  • Chapter 5.4. Occlusal plastic restorative therapy

Section III. Implementation

  • Chapter 6.1. Preparation for ceramic veneers
  • Chapter 6.2. Ceramic fragments
  • Chapter 7. Ceramic Systems
  • Chapter 8. Impression taking for ceramic veneers – the essence of communication
  • Chapter 9. Provisional restorations for ceramic veneers

Section IV. Cementation

  • Chapter 10. Dental adhesion
  • Chapter 11. Resin cements
  • Chapter 12. Cementation

Section V. Follow-up

  • Chapter 13. Maintenance
  • Chapter 14. Failures of ceramic veneers
  • Chapter 15. Before and afte
Resin-Bonded Fixed Dental Prostheses: Minimally invasive – esthetic – reliable 1st Edition Wed, 26 Jul 2023 15:00:04 +0000 Nowadays single-retainer metal-ceramic and all-ceramic resin-bonded fixed dental prostheses (RBFDPs) often present a minimally invasive alternative to single-tooth implants or other conventional prosthetic methods. With a growing body of evidence showing that implants placed in the esthetic zone of younger patients present a high risk of esthetic problems in later years, RBFDPs made from zirconia ceramics are experiencing a great renaissance. This book details the protocols necessary to achieve success when replacing incisors with single-retainer RBFDPs. Although the method is technically sensitive, it is simple and extremely reliable when the correct procedures are implemented. The principles outlined in the text can also be used to replace canines and premolars. Numerous high-quality figures detail the procedures for metal-ceramic and all-ceramic RBFDPs, and case presentations-some with 20 years and more of follow-up-document the development of the success model for RBFDPs. This comprehensive text will benefit practitioners who want to expand their minimally invasive treatment options for esthetic single-tooth replacement. 888 illustrations


1. Why RBFDPs went into single retainers
2. When single-retainer RBFDPs are meaningful
3. When single-retainer RBFDPs (alone) are not meaningful
4. Excellent longevity of single-retainer RBFDPs
5. Advantages and disadvantages of single-retainer RBFDPs
6. When RBFDPs should bond durably
7. Adequate diagnosis and treatment planning are essential
8. Pretreatment is of utmost importance
9. Metal-ceramic RBFDPs-Concise
10. All-ceramic RBFDPs-Detailed
11. To splint or not to splint-That is the question
12. Replacement of canines and premolars
13. After-care: Prevent problems-Solve problems
14. What you have to do to make it go wrong-The 10 most common mistakes in the application of RBFDPs
15. Appendix

Implant Prosthodontics: Protocols and Techniques for Fixed Implant Restorations Sun, 09 Jul 2023 09:32:22 +0000 This guide explains the clinical practice of restoring implants in partially endentulous patients with fixed tooth restorations.

It outlines the essentials of implant prosthodontic workflows and protocols based on current evidence, with guidelines and checklists for all aspects of restoring dental implants.

Chapters address the principles of dental implant prosthetics, patient management considerations, instrumentation and preoperative procedures, impressions, restorations, provisional restorations, and complications, with guidance on selecting an appropriate protocol or restoration, the rationale for the procedure, and step-by-step protocols, along with information on special considerations and potential complications, as well as photos.

Many techniques include a link to a video demonstration using a QR code.

Posterior Direct Restorations 1st Edition Wed, 05 Jul 2023 09:38:37 +0000 This book achieves the ambitious aim of showing dentists how to create conservative and esthetic direct restorations of posterior teeth using composite resin.

The book begins with a primer on occlusal anatomy, describing the specifics of each type of posterior tooth. This foundation supports the diagnosis and treatment of lesions, isolation, and cavity preparation for the buildup, as well as modeling, detailing, and finishing of restorations that closely mimic natural tooth anatomy for optimal esthetics and function.

Numerous clinical tips and case examples are provided, and the procedural rationale is supported by scientific evidence, in addition to the authors considerable clinical experience. Techniques for a wide range of clinical scenarios are presented to provide practitioners with the information they need to achieve optimal restorations.


  • Shape and Visual Perception;
  • Anatomical Knowledge for Modeling;
  • Diagnosis and Treatment of Early Caries Lesions;
  • Isolation;
  • Cavity Preparation;
  • Restoring the Interproximal Wall;
  • Occlusal Modeling;
  • Detailing; Finishing, Polishing, and Finalizing the Occlusion;
  • Clinical Cases
The Immediacy Concept: Treatment Planning from Analog to Digital 1st Edition Wed, 05 Jul 2023 09:35:05 +0000 Immediate loading meets digital treatment planning in this latest implant title.

The authors emphasize that the preservation of alveolar hard and soft tissues using the immediacy concept is more predictable than is the reconstruction of the hard and soft tissues using the traditional delayed approach once resorption has occurred. Immediate loading has also shown to be very predictable in cases of full-arch reconstructions and has become the treatment of choice in cases where appropriate criteria are met.

Because a thorough understanding of analog protocols is necessary before attempting a digital case, the authors review these fundamental concepts to provide context for the transition to the digital realm.

The book begins by outlining the principles of immediate loading and those of digital workflows before delving into individual clinical situations ranging from single teeth to full arches, both with and without bone resorption. Information on prosthetics is included as well as surgical treatment planning.

The book concludes with a chapter entirely devoted to case presentations of all the treatment types covered throughout.

If you are ready to step into the future of dental implant treatment, this book is for you!

1,153 illustrations.


  • Osseointegration
  • Biologic and biomechanical principles
  • Implant design
  • Immediate loading
  • Tissue-level implants
  • Digital workflow
  • Full-arch rehabilitation
  • Systematic treatment planning protocols
  • Tilted implants
  • Prosthetics
  • Zygomatic implants
  • Case presentations

Book preview (23 pages out of 411)

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