Restorative Dentistry – BestRead Master Your Dental Craft Wed, 31 Jan 2024 15:23:10 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Tooth Wear: Interceptive Treatment Approach With Minimally Invasive Protocols Mon, 21 Aug 2023 16:59:08 +0000 This publication is not a textbook but rather a comprehensive review of clinical procedures that can help the practitioner select a proper protocol and suitable materials to more selectively treat the various forms of tooth wear. This “cookbook” is based on the authors’ more than 20 years of experienced treating this pathology. The main focus is the prevention of tooth wear progression with the use of noninvasive and affordable procedures in the proper timeframe, bearing in mind that comprehending this pathology is a lifelong endeavor.

For cases where there was no opportunity to intervene early enough, you will also find “recipes” for the proper use of indirect and CAD/CAM-produced restorations.

2700 illustrations


  • Diagnosis and Prognosis of Tooth Wear
  • Treatment Strategies
  • Occlusal and Functional Factors, Vertical Dimension of Occlusion
  • Direct Techniques
  • Shell Techniques
  • Indirect Techniques
  • CAD/CAM Techniques
  • Longevity and Maintenance

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Ceramic Veneers: Contact Lenses and Fragments Tue, 15 Aug 2023 16:01:23 +0000 A comprehensive guide on ceramic veneers

This e-book aims to present a work philosophy whose foundations are on clinic protocols based and stablished over literature on ceramic veneers, leading to a better comprehension of planning and execution of a aesthetic-functional rehabilitation, promoting the excellence in outcomes and professional ethics.

It presents the current state of the art in dentistry and set the foundations to the aesthetic rehabilitation, approaching essential matters such as aesthetic principles and planning process.

Supported by a large number of clinical cases, it explains and illustrates all the steps towards a full aesthetic rehabilitation in a high quality digital publication.

Want to know more? Go ahead and see inside. Alternatively, you can check out the spanish and portuguese versions.

Table of contents

Section I. Initial

  • Chapter 1. A new age in dentistry
  • Chapter 2. Aesthetic principles
  • Chapter 3. Shade selection and reproduction in ceramic veneers
  • Chapter 4. Aesthetic rehabilitation planning

Section II. Before

  • Chapter 5.1. Orthodontics as a differential for pretreatment ceramic veneers
  • Chapter 5.2. Periodontal plastic surgery
  • Chapter 5.3. Tooth bleaching
  • Chapter 5.4. Occlusal plastic restorative therapy

Section III. Implementation

  • Chapter 6.1. Preparation for ceramic veneers
  • Chapter 6.2. Ceramic fragments
  • Chapter 7. Ceramic Systems
  • Chapter 8. Impression taking for ceramic veneers – the essence of communication
  • Chapter 9. Provisional restorations for ceramic veneers

Section IV. Cementation

  • Chapter 10. Dental adhesion
  • Chapter 11. Resin cements
  • Chapter 12. Cementation

Section V. Follow-up

  • Chapter 13. Maintenance
  • Chapter 14. Failures of ceramic veneers
  • Chapter 15. Before and afte
Bonded Porcelain Restorations in the Anterior Dentition: A Biomimetic Approach 1st Edition Mon, 24 Jul 2023 15:12:01 +0000 This book introduces a unique approach to esthetic restoration of the anterior dentition.

Guided by the philosophy of biomimetics, the authors combine sound biologic principles with an overriding respect for the natural intact tooth to achieve esthetic satisfaction with bonded porcelain restorations. Unlike traditional veneers, the approach described here draws upon the ideal hues, the subtle shades, and especially the intracoronal anatomy of the intact tooth to serve as a guide to reconstruction and as a measurement of success. From this perspective, a checklist of fundamental esthetic criteria is presented, and treatment planning, diagnostics, tooth preparation, laboratory procedures, adhesive luting procedures, and maintenance protocols are carefully detailed.

The reader will find all the information and step-by-step instruction needed to obtain the authors superior results, which are showcased throughout the book.

Esthetic and Restorative Dentistry: Material Selection and Technique Sat, 15 Jul 2023 15:37:09 +0000 Advancements in restorative material formulations and adhesive technology have expanded the treatment possibilities for the clinician and technician and provided simpler, more conservative, and more economical solutions to many restorative and esthetic challenges. This book demonstrates these solutions step-by-step through the presentation of everyday clinical situations, relying on the scientific knowledge and clinical and laboratory expertise of an international team of masters.

With new photographic techniques including ring flash and bilateral flash, new cases on composite resin restoration and porcelain inlays, and new techniques such as restoring the anterior alveolar ridge deficiency using stratified porcelain buildup, this second edition of Esthetic and Restorative Dentistry explores many facets of esthetic and restorative dentistry, including biomaterials, laboratory technology, operative dentistry, prosthodontics, periodontics, and implant dentistry.

Each chapter begins with a materials science introduction to the topic, followed by clinical applications and procedures illustrated with exquisite images. This combination of scientific, clinical, and laboratory information provides clinicians, technicians, and auxiliaries with the tools necessary to maximize their productivity while providing improved oral health care to their patients.


  1. Diagnostic and Communication Concepts
  2. Principles of Tooth Preparation
  3. Composite Resins
  4. Ceramic Materials
  5. The Impression Process
  6. Contemporary Adhesive Cements
  7. Provisionalization
  8. Esthetic Post Systems
  9. Mechanisms of Adhesion
  10. Finishing and Polishing Esthetic Restorative Materials
  11. Dental Photography
  12. Periodontal Plastic Surgery
  13. Interdisciplinary Implantology
  14. Biomodification of Tooth Discoloration

Book preview (30 out of 753 pages)

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Biomimetic Restorative Dentistry 2nd Edition (Scanned) Wed, 05 Jul 2023 10:31:10 +0000 This two-volume set describes new criteria for esthetic restorative dentistry based on biomimetics.

The first edition of this book took the dental world by storm in 2002 and became one of the bestselling Quintessence books of all time, and this edition will no doubt do the same.

The book takes the science of esthetic dental reconstruction to a new level, both clinically and academically, and offers all that a clinician could wish for in terms of indications and the classic clinical steps for tooth preparation, laboratory and CAD/CAM procedures, adhesive luting procedures, and maintenance. But above all, what makes this book so unique is the underlying principle by which Pascal Magne lives: respect the natural structure and use that nature as your guide in restoration.

The central philosophy of the book is the biomimetic principle—that is, the idea that the intact tooth in its ideal hues and shades, and perhaps more importantly in its intracoronal anatomy and location in the arch, is the guide to reconstruction and the determinant for success. Restoring or mimicking the biomechanical, structural, and esthetic integrity of teeth is paramount.

Therefore, the objective of the book is to propose new criteria for esthetic restorative dentistry based on biomimetics. The driving forces of restorative dentistry are maintenance of tooth vitality and maximum conservation of intact hard tissues, and as such the book offers ultraconservative treatment options that can precede a more sophisticated treatment.

The core of the book centers on the application of the biomimetic principle in the form of bonded restorations using composite resins and ceramics. The broad spectrum of indications of bonded restorations is described, followed by detailed instruction on the treatment planning and diagnostic approach, which is the first step for every case. The treatment is then described step by step, including tooth preparation and impression, laboratory and CAD/CAM procedures related to the fabrication of composite resin and ceramic workpieces, and their final insertion through adhesive luting procedures.

Volume 1 covers the fundamentals and basic procedures, and Volume 2 focuses on advanced clinical techniques, maintenance, and repair of bonded restorations. QR codes throughout link to demonstrations of the techniques and dramatic videos highlighting the artistry of biomimetics. Written by a true master and true artist, this book will undoubtedly inspire excellence in anyone who picks it up.


Volume 1

  • Chapter 1. Understanding the Intact Tooth and the Biomimetic Principle
  • Chapter 2. Natural Oral Design
  • Chapter 3. Ultraconservative Treatment Options
  • Chapter 4. Semi-(In)Direct Approaches in Posterior and Anterior Teeth

Volume 2

  • Chapter 5. Esthetic Treatment Planning and Diagnostic Approach
  • Chapter 6. Anterior Indirect Bonded Porcelain Restorations
  • Chapter 7. Maintenance and Advanced Repair Techniques

Scanned Searchable Copy

Posterior Direct Restorations 1st Edition Wed, 05 Jul 2023 09:38:37 +0000 This book achieves the ambitious aim of showing dentists how to create conservative and esthetic direct restorations of posterior teeth using composite resin.

The book begins with a primer on occlusal anatomy, describing the specifics of each type of posterior tooth. This foundation supports the diagnosis and treatment of lesions, isolation, and cavity preparation for the buildup, as well as modeling, detailing, and finishing of restorations that closely mimic natural tooth anatomy for optimal esthetics and function.

Numerous clinical tips and case examples are provided, and the procedural rationale is supported by scientific evidence, in addition to the authors considerable clinical experience. Techniques for a wide range of clinical scenarios are presented to provide practitioners with the information they need to achieve optimal restorations.


  • Shape and Visual Perception;
  • Anatomical Knowledge for Modeling;
  • Diagnosis and Treatment of Early Caries Lesions;
  • Isolation;
  • Cavity Preparation;
  • Restoring the Interproximal Wall;
  • Occlusal Modeling;
  • Detailing; Finishing, Polishing, and Finalizing the Occlusion;
  • Clinical Cases
Fixed Restorations: A Clinical Guide to the Selection of Materials and Fabrication Technology 1st Edition Sat, 24 Jun 2023 12:34:08 +0000 In this timely and comprehensive guide to modern reconstructive dentistry, the authors showcase their expert knowledge of materials combined with innovative digital smile reconstruction technology to produce stunning results.

The book is divided into four parts: basic information regarding materials and production processes, step-by-step clinical procedures with extensive case presentations, long-term outcomes, and management of complications.

With over 2,000 clinical images and diagrams, backed up with the scientific evidence for recommendations, the best practice for tooth- and implant-supported fixed restorations is clearly described. Cases are presented in all different types of restorations, from minimally invasive veneers to implant-supported full-arch prostheses and everything in between.

The vast clinical and technical knowledge and experience of the authors has resulted in a unique textbook that will aid in decision making regarding material selection and procedures for all patients in need of fixed restorations.


  • Restorative materials
  • Factors for material selection
  • Diagnostics
  • Tooth preparation
  • Provisionals
  • Impression techniques
  • Cementation
  • Veneers
  • Resin-bonded FDPs
  • Defect-oriented restorations
  • Single crowns
  • Fixed dental prostheses
  • Implant-supported restorations
  • Maintenance
  • Complications

Book preview ( 50 of 1906 pages)

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Avoiding and Treating Dental Complications: Best Practices in Dentistry 1st Edition Mon, 15 May 2023 15:07:15 +0000

Complications from dental procedures are inevitable and encountered by all dental professionals. Avoiding and Treating Dental Complications: Best Practices in Dentistry is designed to address proper management of these situations in everyday practice.

  • Covers a range of dental issues and complications found in daily practice
  • Written by experts in each specialty
  • Features tables and charts for quick information
  • Includes clinical photographs and radiographs